War crimes are unbearable for all people.

These crimes degrade those who commit them.

And those who survive are scarred for life.

They pierce the eyes of those who witness them.

No one on Earth is safe from violence when it strikes civilians. There is no immunity from violence against civilians, no legitimacy in killing, no right to exterminate a people. Nowhere, ever. Not for us.

That's why we must demand peace, so that all peoples can find justice. We can no longer allow for any more crimes or horrors, and merely wait for an ensuing catastrophe to destroy us all in the form of a global war.

Nor must we accept—unless we are to merely accept collectively sinking into an utter loss of all collective feeling and hope of lasting justice and the continuing habitation of humanity on the planet—the rhetoric of difference between different sorts of civilian deaths, as it seems to be spreading in France and other countries.

There is no alternative to peace. No government can prohibit us from wanting peace. From rising up for peace: in a square, on a social network, in a newspaper. In every form of expression appropriate to the vital need for revolutionary peace.

The peace we want frees itself from colonialism and from authoritarian governments; from colonialism and from organizations that capitalize on the humiliation and misery of peoples; from colonialism and from parties that promote war wherever they may be.

For a trans-planetary Peace

Frédéric Neyrat, philosophe, Professeur à l’Université de Wisconsin-Madison (États-Unis)

Emmanuel Moreira, revue la vie manifeste

Angélique Humbert, étudiante en philosophie à Paris 1 Sorbonne

Amandine André, écrivaine

Michel Surya, écrivain, philosophe, éditeur

Anna Carlier, artiste

Liliane Giraudon, écrivaine

Fabiana Bartuccelli, doctorante, EPHE

Virginie Lalucq, écrivaine

Benjamin Fouché, écrivain

Maya Paules, photographe

Frédérique Guétat-Liviani, écrivaine

Alexandre Monnin, enseignant-chercheur

Paul-Julian Quillier, musicien

Hortense Gauthier, artiste, enseignante

Jean-Philippe Cazier, écrivain – Diacritik

Sophie Wahnich, historienne

Catherine Malabou, philosophe

Nicolas Klotz, cinéaste

Elisabeth Perceval, cinéaste

Jean-Philippe Milet, philosophe

Etienne Balibar, philosophe

Véronique Bergen, philosophe

Emilie Notéris, écrivaine et enseignante

Emmanuel Bonnet, enseignant-chercheur

Serge Quadruppani auteur et traducteur

Zakaria Kajiou, plasticien

Valérie Marange, psychanaliste, revue Chimères

Dégboé Denzel-Junior Araintey, étudiant à l’université Félix Houphouêt Bobigny

Marco Candore, revue Chimère

Anne Querrien, Sociologue

Christiane Vollaire, Philosophe, Chercheure associée au CNAM

Marie Dominique Garnier, professeure à l’Université de Paris 8-Vincennes

Charles Alunni professeur et chercheur associé au Caphés

Ronald Placius, pacifiste

Sarah Mekdjian, enseignante-chercheuse à l’Université Grenoble

Marc Perrin, écrivain

Florent Gabarron-Garcia, Psychanalyste, Maître de conférences à l’université Paris 8

Anne Kawala, écrivaine

Marion Poussier, Photographe

Arno Bertina, écrivain

Laurent Cauwet, éditeur

Bruno Tackels, philosophe et critique

Rada Iveković, philosophe

Myriam Suchet, chercheuse et enseignante

Justine Gensse, artiste

Aurélie Albert, architecte

Giuseppe Schillaci, cinéaste, écrivain

Zorka Domić, psychiatre, psychanalyste

Pierre-Aurélien Delabre, auteur

Philippe Büttgen, philosophe

Felice D’Agostino, cinéaste

Drew Burk, philosopher, translator

Christophe Solioz, philosophe

Barbara Glowczewski, anthropologue

Alexandre Pierrepont, anthropologue

Contact : contact@trans-planet.org